Archives: Timeline Stories

  • Record Level Encryption

    NameAPI Index introduces the new record level encryption feature, initially with AES 128 then 256. Semantic search over encrypted data.

  • NameAPI Index Progress

    The underlying components (parsing, matching) are being improved from release to release. The data research team works on the dictionaries and statistical name data. Development focus is on adding functionality to the NameAPI Index software, the product that brings the most value to our customers.

  • Solid base

    The OnoServer software has developed into a solid toolbox for handling people’s names. Name parsing and name matching are used by hundreds of customers, some through SaaS and others through on-premise installations.

  • Native freelancers

    The data research team starts working with native freelancers from around the world to aid in the collection and classification of names, name structures and patterns.

  • Data researcher team

    Build a team of data researchers to collect and classify names from around the world, as this turns out to be a complex, challenging and lengthy process. Online data sources are used, but are in no way sufficient on their own.

  • Produce name software

    Decision to produce software to handle people’s names as there is demand but no product available.

  • Launch of NamepediA

    Launch of the name website and community platform to present name information to the public and use crowd-sourcing to improve the name dictionaries.

  • Success but tough market

    Big names are using web software produced by Optimaize. At the same time, the open source revolution in the software industry brings a plethora of free to use products, which makes it difficult for companies to succeed with traditional business models in the same field.

  • Web CMS and Framework

    Development of its own content management system for web development.

  • Graph dictionaries

    Introduction of name dictionaries on graph technology with relations. Serves as foundation for name parsing and name matching.