REST APIs with JSON. Either use our client implementation, or roll your own.
OpenAPI Specification
Discover and interact with our RESTful APIs:
With this Swagger UI, you can easily navigate through available endpoints, understand their functionality, and make test requests right from your browser.
Integrating the API
Here’s how to call our APIs from your code.
Creating a Context
With the context you may pass information about your execution environment to help the application understand you better, and to control the server’s behaviour for your call. The context is sent along with every request to the server.
"context" : {
"priority" : "REALTIME",
"properties" : [ ]
Context myContext = new ContextBuilder()
$context = Context::builder()
Getting a Service
A request is made through a service.
In the Java client library each request is made through a command. The executor service runs the command in a certain mode. This lets you enable cross-cutting concern features as command interceptors like – for example logging and failover – with just one line.
CommandExecutor executor = CommandExecutors.createExecutor();
Mode mode = NameApiModeFactory
To target another host or another api version, customize like so:
Mode mode = NameApiModeFactory.withContext(
new Host("", Protocol.HTTPS),
$serviceFactory = new ServiceFactory($context);
To target another host or another api version, customize like so:
new ServiceFactory($context, Host::http(""), '5.3');
Use your REST framework to set things up.
Sending a Ping
The most simple service, to check if all is set up correctly.
Context myContext = new ContextBuilder()
CommandExecutor executor = CommandExecutors.createExecutor();
Mode mode = NameApiModeFactory.minimal("your-api-key");
PingCommand command = new PingCommand();
String pong = executor.execute(command, mode, null).get();
client = NameApiClient(None)
response = # return the string 'pong'
$context = Context::builder()
$serviceFactory = new ServiceFactory($context);
$pinger = $serviceFactory->systemServices()->pinger();
$pong = $pinger->ping();
Parsing a name
Splitting the name into its parts:
PersonNameParserCommand command = new PersonNameParserCommand();
InputPersonName name = NameBuilders.western().fullname("John F. Kennedy")
InputPerson inputPerson = new NaturalInputPersonBuilder().name(name)
PersonNameParserResult result = executor.execute(command, mode, inputPerson)
api_key = None # Set your api_key here
client = NameApiClient(api_key)
name_object = WesternInputPersonNameBuilder().fullname("John F. Kennedy").build()
input_person = NaturalInputPersonBuilder().name(name_object).build()
response = client.person_name_parser(input_person)
$personNameParser = serviceFactory->parserServices()->personNameParser();
$inputPerson = NaturalInputPerson::builder()
->fullname( "John Doe" )
$parseResult = $personNameParser->parse($inputPerson);
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"inputPerson":{"type":"NaturalInputPerson","personName":{"nameFields":[{"string":"Peter van der Sar","fieldType":"FULLNAME"}]}}}'
Detecting the Gender
Finding the gender for a person’s name is as easy as that:
PersonGenderizerCommand command = new PersonGenderizerCommand();
NaturalInputPerson person = new NaturalInputPersonBuilder()
.name(NameBuilders.western().fullname("John Doe").build())
GenderizerResult result = executor.execute(command, mode, person).get();
boolean isMale = result.getGender().isMale();//must be true
api_key = None # Set your api_key here
client = NameApiClient(api_key)
name_object = WesternInputPersonNameBuilder().fullname("John F. Kennedy").build()
input_person = NaturalInputPersonBuilder().name(name_object).build()
response = client.person_genderizer(input_person)
$personGenderizer = $serviceFactory->genderizerServices()->personGenderizer();
$inputPerson = NaturalInputPerson::builder()
->fullname( "John Doe" )
$personGenderResult = $personGenderizer->assess($inputPerson);
echo $personGenderResult->getGender()->toString(); //will print 'MALE'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"inputPerson":{"type":"NaturalInputPerson","personName":{"nameFields":[{"string":"Peter van der Sar","fieldType":"FULLNAME"}]}}}'
Matching two people
Comparing two people and their names:
PersonMatcherCommand command = new PersonMatcherCommand();
NaturalInputPerson person1 = new NaturalInputPersonBuilder()
.name(NameBuilders.western().fullname("John F. Kennedy").build())
NaturalInputPerson person2 = new NaturalInputPersonBuilder()
.name(NameBuilders.western().fullname("Jack Kennedy").build())
PersonMatcherArgument argument = new PersonMatcherArgument(person1, person2);
PersonMatcherResult result = executor.execute(command, mode, argument).get();
api_key = None # Set your api_key here
client = NameApiClient(api_key)
name_object_1 = WesternInputPersonNameBuilder().fullname("John F. Kennedy").build()
input_person_1 = NaturalInputPersonBuilder().name(name_object).build()
name_object_2 = WesternInputPersonNameBuilder().fullname("Jack Kennedy").build()
input_person_2 = NaturalInputPersonBuilder().name(name_object).build()
response = client.person_matcher(input_person_1, input_person_2)
$personMatcher = $serviceFactory->matcherServices()->personMatcher();
$inputPerson1 = NaturalInputPerson::builder()
->fullname( "John F. Kennedy" )
$inputPerson2 = NaturalInputPerson::builder()
->fullname( "Jack Kennedy" )
$personMatchResult = $personMatcher->match($inputPerson1, $inputPerson2);
echo $personMatchResult->getPersonMatchType()->toString(); //prints 'MATCHING'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"inputPerson1":{"type":"NaturalInputPerson","personName":{"nameFields":[{"string":"Frau Angela Merkel","fieldType":"FULLNAME"}]}}, "inputPerson2":{"type":"NaturalInputPerson","personName":{"nameFields":[{"string":"Angela Dorothea Merkel","fieldType":"FULLNAME"}]}}}'
Identifying disposable emails
Need to block trash email addresses?
DisposableEmailAddressDetectorCommand command =
new DisposableEmailAddressDetectorCommand();
DisposableEmailAddressDetectorResult result =
executor.execute(command, mode, "").get();
api_key = None # Set your api_key here
client = NameApiClient(api_key)
response = client.disposable_email_detector(email_address)
$deaDetector = $serviceFactory->emailServices()->disposableEmailAddressDetector();
$result = $deaDetector->isDisposable("");
curl ''
Next Step
Integrate a client library, or start from the REST endpoint, and start building.